The online surf world made sure to cover this past weekend’s, spring, east coast, swell in features ranging from, to, to, along with many more. The Outer Banks was firing, Maryland was pumping, New Jersey was heaving epic barrels, and the Northeast was flawless. As we sat in front of our computer screens and clicked through those images that encompass the perfect combination of lighting, split second timing, uncanny athleticism, and the sheer talent that spawns photographic art, we sometimes forget about those photos that may not have grabbed that perfect ray of light during that critical, magic, split second, or the photos that may have been cursed by the auto focus of a camera, not to mention those pics that just didn’t quite make the cut… Beneath the surface of all the online features and the ‘perfect’ photos, the boys definitely got perfection. It was just a different kind. All photos by Mickey ‘2M’ McCarthy