International Surf Day :: Surfing Magazine :: Outer Banks

Ability teamrider / photo guy, Jeff Myers was managing to surf practically unrideable waves at the Surfing Mag / International Surf Day cookout.Photographer Mickey McCarthy was there(with his new water housing) to prove :: Mickey “2m” McCarthy

International Surf Day

Once again, Outer Banks based photog. Matt Lusk snapped some good clean shots on I.S.D., and once again teamrider Jeff Myers had the flag flying.BAM. photo ::

Surf Carolina Magazine June 2009

Bradley Cockrill grabbed the “Hot Shots” photo feature in Surf Carolina Magazine’s June 2009 issue with a WICKED snap on his custom Eman-Ability board at Avalon Pier. Ronnie Brooks and Matt Joyner also plugged some photos. For more info and other photos check out surfcarolinamagazine.comAll photos::Robbie JohnsonSurf […]

Eastern Surf Magazine(ESM) June 2009

BAM!!!Team rider Jeff Myers landed 2 massive plugs for Ability in ESM’s June 2009 issue.Myers recently signed a 3 year pro deal with Ocean Potion sunscreen. Thanks Ocean Potion. “Mid-Atlantic blah blahs” “…first big move was signing Mid Atlanticmainstay Jeff Myers […]

Jeff Myers :: May 2009 :: "May swell hits East Coast"

Ability teamrider / photo slore, Jeff Myers grabbed the cover of’s feature “May Swell Hits The East Coast”. Outer Banks based photographer Matt Lusk captured this eclectic photo in Kitty Hawk, NC last week. Check out for more as well as

Bat Boy 5/30

Congratulations to team rider Sterling King, who won his ESA divsion today-Nice one Sterling! May 2009

Matt Lusk shot some wicked photos this month(May 2009)—Teamrider’s Jeff Myers and Sterling King plugging away!Check out Matt’s handy work May 2009

Team rider Bradley Cockrill landed the cover of www.surfkdh.comwith his new Ability-Eman custom.Nice one Bradley!Check out for more photos(including team riders Jeff Myers, Barry Price Jr,Sterling King, and Seth Barrick).

Ozzie Wright—- Oh wait… NOPE! Ability team rider Barry Price Jr giving definition to the word “BOOST”

New spring/summer 2009 tees will be arriving soon…