Ability family Dallas Tolson and Seth Barrick both got photos in easternsurf.com‘s, ‘Fight Club’ feature, “Same Old (Dominion) Story”, which covered the 2010 Battle of the Banks contest. Big Congratulations go out to the Virginia Beach team as they have taken the 3rd over all win once again. Although the Outer Banks team came up short on victory again, Ability team rider Seth Barrick(of the Outer Banks team) won “best barrel” of the contest and Fuel TV’s, Matt Beacham(of the Outer Banks team) won best over all competitor of the contest. Team riders Dallas Tolson(pictured below) and Brant Doyle were also standouts throughout the contest. For the full feature on easternsurf.com, click here.

Team rider Dallas Tolson // Mez photo- easternsurf.com

Team rider Seth Barrik getting “best barrel” // Mez photo- easternsurf.com